SSC/CLC » Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

As a district-affiliated charter school, Encino Charter Elementary has significant autonomy over policies, programs, and procedures at the school while being consistent with provisions of collective bargaining agreements.  

The school’s Local School Leadership Council (LSLC), composed of elected teachers, staff representatives, and parents, participates in decisions regarding curriculum, hiring, budget, and school schedules and events. 

The Charter Leadership Council provides input to the school’s administration.

Our Charter Leadership Council meets at least eight times per year. All meetings are open to the public and members of the school community in accordance with the Brown Act. Meeting notices and agenda must be published at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. All Leadership Council members must be part of at least one standing committee and participate in those committee meetings.

Local School Leadership Council responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Categorical block grant budget expenditures
  • Curriculum/Instruction
  • Personnel selection pursuant to District policies and procedures
  • Scheduling of School events
  • Determination of our school site calendar – Pursuant to District policies
  • Gifted and Bilingual accountabilities
  • Student conduct
  • Community relations
  • School operations

​​​​​​​The LSLC has been developed to improve student achievement.

  • The LSLC receives input for decision making from other advisory councils such as the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the Gifted and Talented Program Advisory Committee.
  • The LSLC meets at least 8 times per year to carry out its responsibilities.e
  • The school will conduct an orientation and election of membership in August.
  • The LSLC shall be composed of (6) Teacher Representatives (UTLA); and (6) Parent and School Staff Representatives.  

All members have equal voting rights.

You are encouraged to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in our SSC/CLC meetings.
